The duration of dreams is one of the most curious topics for people. Although it is commonly believed that dreams last only a few seconds, this information has been refuted by scientific data. Research indicates that a dream can last between 5 to 45 minutes. The variability of this duration can change depending on the content of the dream, the sleep stage of the individual, and personal factors.

An adult typically experiences dreams four to six times throughout the night. Most of these dreams do not stay in memory for long and are forgotten shortly after waking. However, it is known that every person dreams and these dreams usually contain intense emotional experiences.

Dreams: A Reflection of Subconscious Thoughts and Emotions

While psychoanalysts like Freud view dreams as a reflection of the subconscious, modern scientists assert that dreams perform certain necessary functions for the brain. For example, dreams can help process intense emotions or facilitate the transfer of daily information to long-term memory.

Various Scientific Theories on Dream Durations

One reason for the variability in dream durations is the difference between REM and NREM sleep cycles. Dreams during REM sleep are typically longer and more detailed. This can be explained by a slowdown in brain activity and more neural connections occurring during REM sleep.

Additionally, the total duration of dreams a person sees throughout the night is usually about two hours. This makes the duration of 4-6 dreams per day quite reasonable. The first dream is generally shorter, and subsequent dreams tend to lengthen as sleep deepens.

The Duration of a Dream Can Extend from Minutes to Half an Hour

In conclusion, the common belief that dreams last only 7 seconds is not supported by scientific data. Dream durations can vary from a few minutes to half an hour, and these durations can differ from person to person and from one sleep cycle to another.

Source:  Sleep Doctor

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