Huawei, deprived of Google Mobile Services as a result of US sanctions, is preparing to open a new page in the technology world. The Chinese technology giant will start using its own HarmonyOS Next operating system instead of the Android system. This new system is the first Huawei operating system not based on Android and symbolizes the company’s complete independence from Google.

HarmonyOS Next symbolizes Huawei’s break with the Android ecosystem. The system already supports around 4000 apps and the company aims to reach half a million by the end of the year. If this happens, Huawei will cut all ties with Android.

HarmonyOS Next is 3 Times More Efficient than Android

The new operating system is also reportedly three times more efficient than the current Android-based HarmonyOS. This is a big advantage for AI technologies and on-device processing. With these features, HarmonyOS Next could change the balance in the smartphone market. However, it is not yet clear whether this new operating system will be available outside China. It remains to be seen what impact Huawei’s strategic move will have on the global technology market.

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