Reid Hoffman, although considering an academic career after graduating from Stanford University with degrees in Applied Philosophy and Computer Science in 1990, his desire to contribute more effectively to the evolution of humanity steers him onto different paths. By 1993, after completing his masters in philosophy at Oxford, he decides to move into the technology sector.

Reid Hoffman’s Achievements at PayPal and His Steps into New Ventures

The first fruits of this decision come in 1998 when he starts working at PayPal, invited by his friend Peter Thiel. At PayPal, he gets the opportunity to work with future tech icons like Elon Musk and the founders of YouTube. His experiences at PayPal direct Hoffman towards a new venture idea about social networks.

The Establishment of LinkedIn and Reid Hoffman’s Years as CEO

In 2002, together with four friends, he founds LinkedIn and initially serves as the CEO for 4 years. LinkedIn quickly grows as a pioneering platform in the field of professional networking. By 2007, believing that the company had grown sufficiently and proven itself, Hoffman steps down as CEO and becomes the chairman of the board.

The Acquisition of LinkedIn by Microsoft and Reid Hoffman’s New Role

In 2016, LinkedIn fails to fully meet investor expectations. Consequently, Hoffman and the CEO at the time, Jeff Weiner, decide that bringing the company under a larger umbrella would be beneficial. This thought leads to LinkedIn being acquired by Microsoft for a record $26.2 billion. After the deal is completed, Hoffman joins Microsoft’s board of directors, while LinkedIn continues its operations as an independent subsidiary.

Reid Hoffman’s career journey has led to significant transformations in the world of technology and entrepreneurship.

Source:  LinkedIn

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