SpaceX is known as a company that has made significant strides in space transportation. But recent developments also reveal the challenges the company faces. During a test at its facilities in Texas, Raptor rocket engine unexpectedly exploded. The explosion caused a huge noise and smoke could be seen from a great distance. According to reports from the scene, there were no casualties or serious injuries during the explosion. SpaceX and its CEO Elon Musk have not yet made a statement about the incident.

Raptor Engine Explosion

Raptor engines are among SpaceX‘s most powerful engines, especially Super Heavy and Starship is designed for use on spacecraft. Work on these engines is vital for Starship’s mission to carry humans to Mars.

Starship is still in the testing phase and past failed tests suggest that this new explosion could be a setback for the company. But with all problems overcome, hopes remain that SpaceX will revolutionize space travel.

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