In our daily lives, the often encountered question ‘Coffee or tea?‘ might involve more than just a simple choice. A new scientific research suggests that these preferences might be closely related to our genetic makeup. According to the study, our ability to perceive bitter tastes in beverages can influence which drink we prefer.
How Do Our Genes Influence Our Beverage Choices?

Both tea and coffee naturally have a bitter taste due to the presence of caffeine. However, besides caffeine, other bitter molecules like quinine and PROP are also found in these drinks. Scientists have studied the genetic variations of bitter taste receptors to understand how these differences affect our drink preferences.
Do Our Genes Determine Our Preferences?
The research analyzed the genetic data of over 400,000 participants to assess the impact of bitter taste receptors on tea and coffee consumption habits. Findings show that individuals with receptors sensitive to caffeine-associated bitter tastes consume at least four cups of coffee per day and less tea. These individuals might feel the bitter effects of caffeine more intensely due to their stronger bitter taste perception. On the other hand, those with bitter taste receptors related to PROP or quinine showed a higher consumption of tea. These individuals perceive bitter tastes more sensitively, therefore, they might prefer tea, which is comparatively less bitter.
Coffee and Tea: Choose According to Your Genetics
As a result, our coffee and tea preferences might not only be a matter of taste but also a reflection of our genetic makeup. Of course, other factors that influence our choices include personal palate preference, habits, and dietary style. Genetics is just one part of this complex array of preferences.
So what’s your choice? Coffee or tea?
Source: Nature