Real Madrid signed one of the most talked-about transfers in the football world and finalized Kylian Mbappe’s transfer. However, contrary to expectations, this major transfer did not receive sufficient interest on social media. The announcement of Mbappe’s transfer on Real Madrid’s official account on platform X gathered only 873,000 likes.

Turkish Footballer Arda Guler’s Transfer Attracted More Attention

On the other hand, the announcement of Turkish footballer Arda Guler’s transfer on the same platform received 901,000 likes, attracting more attention. This difference can be attributed to the significant interest that Turkish football enthusiasts show towards Guler.

Mbappe’s Social Media Performance

Interestingly, Mbappe’s transfer was intensely followed only by Real Madrid fans. While the globally talked-about Mbappe transfer proved this global interest with views, comments, and shares, it lagged behind Guler in terms of likes.

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