Recently Bitcoin The cryptocurrency market, which dazzled with the record increases recorded by ‘s, has come under the influence of political tensions in the Middle East. Iran and Israel the rising tensions between the two countries directly affected the markets, causing a significant pullback. On April 13, Iran’s kamikaze drone and ballistic missile attacks on Israel rocked crypto exchanges.

Big Losses in the Top Eight

According to the data at the time of writing, cryptocurrency exchanges were largely red. With the exception of the dollar-indexed stablecoins Tether (USDT) and USDC, almost all major cryptocurrencies lost value, especially Solana, Ripple and Dogecoin.

Red Alert in the Crypto Market: Iran-Israel Tensions Shake Markets

This situation shows that cryptocurrencies, especially those with speculative structures and weak project bases, are more affected. According to CoinMarketCap data, the global crypto market lost 8 percent in this process. The total amount of assets lost was estimated at approximately 223 billion dollars.

Looking to the Future

The political situation between Iran and Israel is expected to continue to have an impact on cryptocurrency markets. Experts warn investors to be wary of such geopolitical risks. Given the volatile nature of the market, the volatility created by such external factors carries risks, especially for short-term investors. In the long run, it remains to be seen whether the market will become more resilient to such shocks.

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