The messaging platform Telegram has agreed to share user information upon the request of governments. This announcement came after Telegram’s CEO and founder Pavel Durov was briefly detained in France. Durov stated that he has updated the terms to clean up criminal content on the platform and has implemented new policies in this regard.
Telegram Management Updates Its Stance Against National Requests

Durov’s detention was connected to allegations of spreading content related to the sexual abuse of children on the platform. However, Durov denied these accusations and emphasized that Telegram will take a more active role in content moderation. Historically, Telegram has often ignored requests from places like the European Union, Iran, and Thailand for content removal and information. However, he announced that they would use more effective artificial intelligence and moderation teams against misuse with the new policies.
French prosecutors had filed a case against Durov due to crimes committed on the platform, but Durov denied the accusations. It is of interest how Telegram will navigate its relationships with governments and the protection of user data in the new era. This situation could shake the trust in user privacy or could be seen as a step taken by the platform to comply with legal obligations.