A newborn baby begins to emit a special smell from the very first moments of its birth. This scent especially affects parents and strengthens the bond between them. But why is this scent so alluring and unforgettable? The secret lies in a substance called vernix caseosa found in the skin of babies.

What is Vernix Caseosa?

Why Do Newborn Babies Smell Good?

Vernix caseosa is a white, creamy substance that protects babies from the harmful effects of prenatal amniotic fluid. With birth, this substance is gradually absorbed and leaves its unique scent on the skin of babies. This natural fragrance not only protects baby’s skin against external factors but also provides a soft and sweet aroma.

Scientific studies shows that baby scent has a particularly strong effect on mothers. The smell of newborns triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin in mothers. Oxytocin increases the mother’s attachment to the baby and her protective instinct, while reinforcing emotional intimacy. This allows parents to be faster and more responsive to their babies.

Cultural and Psychological Effects of Baby Scent

Why Do Newborn Babies Smell Good?

Baby odor is not only a biological phenomenon, but also has cultural and psychological implications. As a society, we associate this scent with innocence, freshness and new beginnings. Our brain releases hormones of happiness and tranquility in response to this scent, making us feel positive. This is why baby scent has a calming and addictive effect not only for mothers, but for everyone.

In short, the newborn scent can be considered a miraculous gift from nature that allows us to establish a strong bond both biologically and emotionally.

Source: IFL Science, What to Expect

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