Many of us instinctively reach for water after eating hot peppers. However, this is a common misconception as water can actually make the burning worse instead of relieving it. The main spicy component, capsaicin, does not dissolve in water, so drinking water spreads the capsaicin over a broader area on the tongue and increases the burning sensation. The trigeminal nerves on our tongue further intensify this burning feeling.

What Should We Drink Instead of Water After Spicy Foods?

Why Shouldn't We Drink Water After Eating Hot Peppers?

So, how can we lessen the burning sensation? Consuming starchy foods, which can physically remove capsaicin from the tongue and mouth, is more effective than water. Foods like starch-rich bread, rice, or potatoes bind the capsaicin and remove it from the mouth, alleviating the burning sensation. Additionally, high-fat liquids like milk can dissolve capsaicin, so drinking a glass of cold milk could also be a good method when experiencing spiciness.

Effective Solutions in Combating Capsaicin

Instead of drinking water, try these alternatives to more effectively manage the discomfort caused by hot peppers. This information can help you make more informed choices in dealing with spiciness and may allow you to alleviate it more quickly.

Source:  Salon

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