Artificial intelligence assistants have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From Siri to Alexa, these technological helpers can answer many questions. But why are these assistants typically programmed with female voices? According to a 2019 report by the United Nations, the use of female voices in AI assistants not only mimics submissive and obedient female characters but also sets similar expectations among users towards women. Technology companies’ explanations indicate that users tend to trust female voices more.

Reasons for the Preference of Female Voices in AI Assistants

Why Are Female Voices Preferred in AI Assistants?

Various studies have shown that people can perceive the gender of a voice within just 5 seconds and immediately make judgments based on gender stereotypes. In this context, female voices are generally perceived as more helpful and trustworthy, while male voices are seen as more suitable for authoritative and powerful roles. These preferences, when deeply analyzed, are closely linked to gender roles and societal expectations. Therefore, the preference for female voices in AI assistants is directly related to the trust and sympathy users have for these voices.

Source:  The Atlantic

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