Rolls-Royce is known in the automobile world not only for its luxury and comfort but also for its attention to detail. The aesthetic and excellence search in each part of its vehicles especially focuses on the side lines. These lines are considered an important detail that completes the overall design of the vehicle and gives it a unique character. Rolls-Royce believes these lines must be perfect, therefore entrusts this task only to a master artist like Mark Court.

Court is an artist specialized in hand-drawing automobile lines. Rolls-Royce trusts Court for this work, which is too delicate to be done by machine. Each line is masterfully drawn on the side surface of the vehicle, and this process forms the most critical stage of the production. Court’s lines strikingly complete the entire aesthetics of the vehicle.

Mark Court’s Precise Work and High Salary

Artistic Lines Transforming in Rolls-Royce Vehicles

Another reason for Court taking on this task is the special paints used. These paints could lead to irremediable results if any mistakes are made, so there is no room for error during the process. Therefore, Rolls-Royce entrusts this delicate process only to an expert in the field. The six-figure salary Mark Court receives for this task demonstrates his mastery and the importance placed on it. Rolls-Royce once again proves its commitment to quality and excellence with these details on its vehicles.

Source: CNN

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