Samsung is a giant conglomerate with roots dating back to 1938, initially founded as a small trading company selling only food products, but now operating worldwide in electronics, construction, biotechnology and more. Founded in Korea by Lee Byung-chul, Samsung began by trading in simple products such as noodles, sugar and wool. In the 1950s, the company ventured into new sectors such as insurance, securities and retail, and experienced a major transformation by entering the electronics industry in the late 1960s. Producing its first black and white television in 1970, Samsung continuously improved itself in the field of technology and launched its first computer in 1983.

Samsung’s Rise in Technology

Samsung's Impressive Transformation: From Noodles to Tech Giant

By the 1990s, Samsung had become an established brand in the international market. In addition to electronic products, Samsung is also active in intermediate products such as the production of chips and LCD panels, which are also used by other major technology companies such as Apple. It has also been among the world’s largest television manufacturers since 2006.

Samsung’s Activities in Various Industries

Samsung's Impressive Transformation: From Noodles to Tech Giant

Samsung’s activities are not limited to electronics. Samsung, which has taken important steps in the health sector such as biological drugs and bioanalytical tests, has Asia’s largest hospital and cancer research center. In the field of engineering, Samsung Engineering realizes large projects such as oil refineries and gas plants. Samsung Heavy Industries operates in shipbuilding and heavy industry. Famous structures such as the Burj Khalifa and Petronas Towers were built by Samsung’s engineering arms.

They are also in Finance, Insurance and Defense Industry!

Samsung's Impressive Transformation: From Noodles to Tech Giant

Samsung, which is also active in areas such as defense industry, finance and insurance, stands out as a global powerhouse beyond being just a technology company with this diversity. Starting from the production of noodles and transforming into a global technology and industry leader, Samsung continues to increase its influence worldwide with continuous innovation and diversification strategies. So Samsung has grown from a small trading company into an empire.

Source: Samsung

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