The automotive industry is in the process of transitioning to electric vehicles to reduce environmental impacts. Many major car manufacturers had plans to withdraw internal combustion engine vehicles from the market over the next decade. However, due to low consumer demand, giants like Mercedes and Renault have been forced to delay this transition.

European Union Will Not Delay The Electric Vehicle Transition Scheduled To Be Completed By 2035

EU Will Not Delay Electric Vehicle Transition Plan

European Union is showing a more determined attitude in this matter. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has clearly stated that the EU will not delay its electrification goals. Accordingly, by 2035, only electric vehicles will be sold in EU countries. Although this situation causes uncertainties among car manufacturers and consumers, it demonstrates the EU’s commitment to its environmental obligations.

In the coming years, whether the EU takes steps in this direction or not could affect not only the automotive sector but also overall economic and environmental policies. The EU’s firm stance is considered an important step particularly in sustainability and environmental protection. Now all eyes are on the implementation of these plans and whether other countries will take similar steps.

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