While watching a soccer match, hearing the cheers of a neighbor is an annoying aspect of the delay in internet broadcasts. So, why are cable TV broadcasts so fast, but internet broadcasts delayed? Terrestrial broadcasts, transmit television signals directly through cables and antennas, providing a fast transmission. This method allows the signal to reach your television directly from the broadcast center, making live broadcasts truly instantaneous.

Reasons for Slowness in Internet Broadcasts

Why Are Internet Broadcasts Delayed? The Speed Secret of Terrestrial Broadcasts

When broadcasting over the internet, the situation is different. Internet broadcasts, unlike terrestrial broadcasts, involve a complex process that goes through multiple stages. Each stage is a potential point of delay. Delays may also stem from the broadcasters’ process of controlling the broadcasts. These processes are the main reasons for accumulated delays.

In short, the fundamental reason behind the near-zero delay of terrestrial broadcasts is the direct transmission of the signal. The slowness of the internet is due to multiple control and transmission steps. This information is important for understanding broadcast speeds and perhaps for working towards improvements in internet technologies.

Source: Telecom Review 

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