Cats can adapt extremely effectively to environmental lighting conditions thanks to their unique pupil structure. This adaptation enables them to be successful hunters in nature.

Cats’ Pupils Expand and Contract Based on the Amount of Light

Why Do Cats' Pupils Turn Round During the Day and Elliptical at Night?

Cats’ pupils, which are vertically elliptical, can expand and contract significantly depending on the amount of light. This feature is crucial for a nocturnal animal. In the darkness, their pupils widen to allow in as much light as possible, which enables them to see clearly even in low light conditions.

Cats Gain Much Clearer Vision Thanks to This Adaptation Ability

Why Do Cats' Pupils Turn Round During the Day and Elliptical at Night?

During the day, the pupils constrict to minimize the harmful effects of excessive light on the retina, thus preserving the quality of vision. Compared to human pupils, cats’ pupils have a much wider range of adaptation, allowing them to see effectively both at night and during the day.

Their Unique Eye Structure Allows Them to See Their Prey More Easily

Why Do Cats' Pupils Turn Round During the Day and Elliptical at Night?

Additionally, this special eye structure allows cats to better estimate the distance of their prey. All these features give cats superior visual ability during nighttime hunting and enable them to successfully capture their prey. This adaptation skill allows cats to maintain their predatory traits in the wild, despite being domesticated.

Source:  TED-Ed

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