In recent weeks, we reported a new development in the conflict between Apple and Epic Games. Using the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), Epic Games took a significant step in reinstating the Fortnite and Epic Games Store applications on Apple’s App Store platform. The company announced that its official application was accepted by Apple. With this acceptance, there are now no obstacles to republishing these applications on the App Store.

Apple’s Obstacles Within the Process to Epic Games

Epic Games Store and Fortnite are Coming to the App Store!

However, Epic Games stated that Apple made the application process difficult. Specifically, the Epic Games Store application was initially rejected because it was too similar to the App Store. This situation caused the company to take this issue to the European Union regulators.

These incidents are seen as an important victory in Epic Games’ ongoing legal struggle. However, the company’s success is currently only valid within the borders of the European Union. Therefore, users in other regions such as Turkey or the United States currently do not have access to these applications. Epic Games continues to work to achieve similar success in the global market.

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