Ubisoft, which holds a significant place in the video game world and is especially loved by car enthusiasts, has rolled up its sleeves for the comeback of the Driver series. The series, which has been offered to gamers since 1999 and last appeared with ‘Driver: San Francisco‘ in 2011, will be revived with new projects. According to the company’s announcement, work is ongoing on several new Driver projects. Although no definite information has been provided about the content of these projects, it is clearly an exciting development for the fans of the series.
Ubisoft Keeps New Driver Projects Under Wraps

Although Ubisoft has not yet provided details about the new projects, it has underlined that more information will be disclosed in the future. Following this silence, it is a subject of curiosity how the Driver series will make its return. Considering the series’ past popularity, Ubisoft’s new steps are expected to be met with great interest, especially among older generation players. How the new projects will maintain the series’ original structure while adapting to the modern gaming world will be revealed over time.