Chefs’ white hats, which we often see in the culinary world and are considered an aesthetic accessory, actually have a very deep history and meaning. These hats were popularized by French chef Marie Antoine Carême and symbolize hygiene and authority in the kitchen.
Hygiene and Authority Function of Chef Uniforms

In the early 1800s, Carême introduced a uniform requirement for all chefs and preferred the color white as a representative of hygiene. In addition, the size of the hat played an important role for the chefs to visually express their authority in the kitchen. The higher the hat, the more experienced and skillful the chef. Carême’s own hat was 45 cm high, symbolizing her authority in the kitchen.
Practical and Aesthetic Aspects of the Chef’s Hat

In order for the hat to stand upright, it had to be reinforced with cardboard, which shows that the hat is not only an aesthetic element but also fulfills a practical need. Today, chefs continue this traditional element initiated by Carême, ensuring both hygiene and authority in the kitchen.
Tall hats also reflect the hierarchy of the kitchen, showing the level of experience and mastery of the chefs. In other words, a chef in a restaurant with a tall hat is an indication that the food is being prepared skillfully.
Source: Chef Word, Aprons Smocks